Loris Rizzello


Loris Rizzello graduated Magna cum Laude in Biotechnology (2008) and received his PhD in Nanotechnology at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) (2012). He has been a Newton International Fellow for the Royal Society of London, which supported his research at the University College London (UCL), where he pioneered the use nanoparticles for the treatment of human tuberculosis. After 5 years at UCL (2013-2018), he received the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF) and he relocated for 2 years (2018-2020) at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), where he learnt how to use artificial organoids to model infection diseases. He has been then awarded with the prestigious ERC-Starting Grant (2020), and from October 2020 he is appointed as Associate Professor at the University of Milan, where he is studying the host-pathogens interactions and investigating new nanotechnology tools to tackle Pandemic Diseases. 

From March 2021 he is also a Principal Investigator at the National institute of Molecular Genetics (INGM), and member of the Doctorate Program in Biomedicine at the University of Barcelona (UB).